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Art Foundations

Contemporary Vanitas Still Lives

Students will analyze vanitas paintings from the Baroque period and identify characteristics and themes they see throughout artwork of this time. They will compose a still life using objects from our contemporary culture and use acrylic painting techniques to create an observational painting.

Origami Still Lives

Students will identify the relationship between Asian culture and trends in visual art, learning about the history of origami. They will fold three different origamis and create a still life. They will use drawing techniques to apply value, proportion, form, and unity to their drawing.

Gridded Expressive Self Portraits

Students will analyze how individual artists have used different tools to support their artwork. They will use digital tools to manipulate light and contrast and to create a gridded reference photo. Students will demonstrate basic technical skill and craftsmanship using media of their choice when creating images from observation.

Gyotaku Prints

Students will identify the relationship between the Japanese cultural values and trends in visual art. They will will apply the elements and principles of art and design using monoprinting and relief printing techniques to solve visual art problems.  

Samples from the Lab

Students will analyze the series “Samples from the Lab” of contemporary artist, Rob Foote. They will use his colored pencil techniques to recontextualize flora and fauna by morphing them into their own creation. 

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